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P1Harmony Count Dance.mp4

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They put out so many pre-debut choreos and they are all amazing of course, I wouldn't even know how to recommend bc they are all worth watching. There's the "logo" performance, "region" vids and more. Also, they have "self introduction" videos on their yt that are perfect for getting to know their names and group dynamics etc. hope you get a chance to check those out sometime!


If you want to see a Count dance with girl group covers, BAE173 did one with both Aespa and Twice


They picked such a great set of songs for this, not only in general but also just songs that suit P1Harmony's style as a group really well. The only one I was kind of surprised about was Idea by Taemin but even that makes sense for the members that performed it. I think either Jiung or Soul has mentioned that Taemin is one of the idols they look up to the most.


It really did suit them. A lot of these are some of my favorites too so this was a blast