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Dreamcatcher Eric Nam Interview.mp4

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Eric: Is there a morale booster on your team? Me: SuA? You: SuA? Yooh: SuA! 😂 This is the first Eric Nam content I've watched, and it really is nice how measured and in-depth he is with everyone present. It also -really- makes me miss travel. My last big holiday abroad was Japan in 2018 and I'm dying to go back there, but I also really want to see Seoul and South Korea in general now that I've learned more about it. This is top tier content from you, IMO. Watching long-form stuff like this with commentary is nice, especially when it's on a subject matter that you know very well.


"we have a new story ready", Jiu mentioned that the CEO said he wants them to have 3 comebacks this year. Usually they have 1 in jan/feb and 1 in the fall, so likely we will get one at the beginning of summer now as well. Plus they have their japanese comeback soon as well. So 4 albums this year lol they are going to be busy. Yoohyeon gets labeled the spoiler queen, even the non-spoiler stuff is way more info than most groups give. You can basically ask the girls anything and they will tell you or hint at it. Such as the 3 comebacks this year.


About giving them stuff. Their companies address is online, so people just mail stuff to them lol. If its food or stuff like that, I believe they ask if you call ahead so they know its coming. The 7dreamers website has an explainer on it. Siyeon has 3 tattoos now as well. She had the one related to Paradise, her solo song, but she recently got 2 more. I've never seen her hide her tattoos like some idols do which is interesting. Handong and Gahyeon 100% are the innocent ones that were corrupted lmao. If you checkout the minx era stuff you can see the 5 members were crazy even back then. In the videos shortly after they debuted as DC, you can see Handong and Gahyeon being pretty reserved not always going along with the others antics

Steph M

I've seen a lot of Eric since he fake-married Solar on a reality show a while back, but I've never actually seen him do a full interview like this before. He's very skilled at it, I love that he made a really comfortable atmosphere while also asking some very interesting questions and including everyone. Most of the personality-focused content they I've seen from Dreamcatcher has been on variety shows, so it was really nice to see them in a more chill, serious environment like this. I really loved hearing their personal backstories about how they got into the industry, I never knew Handong was such a rebel haha. And I really enjoy watching this interview style content from you, you managed that balance between silently consuming the interview and interjecting with your own thoughts really well. I'm excited about your new focus on variety content, it's gonna be a lot of fun to watch


Want to add to all the things here :D First the tattos: Siyeon: https://i.imgur.com/lPbB2Vi.jpg - referring to her solo song paradise Yoohyeon: https://i.imgur.com/3LoMNP1.png - liberte tattoo that was talked about in the interview Dami: https://i.imgur.com/W5eUvG5.jpg - the butterfly Dami has, her mother actually has a matching tattoo. Also Siyeon got a two more: https://imgur.com/a/X4qTLHM#NhtzkXi - If I remember correctly it was the birth year of everybody in her family And this one is an SY mixed and looks like musical note (don`t know which one anymore: https://i.redd.it/ukfodf6t1st51.jpg Also Dreamcatcher where the first girl group to ever do a Solo Europe Tour, before that f(x) and I think GG/SNSD visited France and England for 1 show, it was either for something like K-Con or a Festival. The next big thin Sound thingy on Billboard is basically another Social media metrics charts but also factors in their music charting, but don´t ask me how it works. It seems dremcatcher was the first girl group that year or ever (don´t remember anymore and too lazy to search it up) to be 1st on that list. And Yoohyeon can speak english, but rarely does bc she isn´t that confident yet. Like she said, she can understand most of it and if she has to, she will speak english. Dami and Siyeon seem to understand also a pretty good amount of english but you will like nearly never see / hear them speak english. And yeah what handong said and somebody else already mentioned, their CEO said, there will be 3 albums this year, don´t know if its counting in the japanese one, if not it will actually will be 4 albums (but japanese probably is excluded bc, 3 of the 4 songs already were fully or partly already released and just one song on there will be new). Also Dreamcatcher announced 2 new concerts, one where they will sing accoustic versions of there songs and on the other night they will do a full on rock concert (at least thats what they are promising). So maybe now would also be the perfect time to watch 7spirits concert, so you`ll know if you want to invest in the new concert :D Here is the link to the new concert: https://www.mymusictaste.com/project/27adf3247bc511ebbec50a58a9feac2a/ And like randomalien said, the adress of their company is up on their website, and they normally receive a lot of gifts for their birthdays or on their debut anniversary. Regarding their views, yeah Odd Eye is now around 32 million and it took them nearly a month, with BOCA it took i think 3 months and with scream around 6 months to reach a view count of around 30 Million. Also they just recently got 1 million subscribers, like 2 or 3 weeks ago and will receive their gold button in the near future :) And as always, thanks for reaction to them, also was a good idea to listen to a few minutes and then giving us your thought on it :)


Oh a question regarding, Dropbox, he will still cut at 1 hour, so everytime you upload something and i see its 1 hour and a few seconds, I´m second guessing if it´s really just that long, or if I have to download the video. Could you maybe add how long the vid is? So I know if I have to download it or not xD


if you press play, then press stop, for me there is a pop up in the top right corner that says "this is a preview" and thats when i know i need to download it. Also if its 1+ hour you usually have to download to see the whole thing.


thx for the info, just saw it on my computer, but in the app, mobile website he does not seem to show that, or I´m blind. Alright, forget that I´m blind, then forget i ever asked :D Will still leave the post, bc maybe other people have the same problem. And also saw, it`s just 1h03 Mins, freaking Dropbox, just for those 3 Minutes i have to download xD

John Kang

Just seconding the others who say what a nice experience this was. I had actually recently seen this interview myself earlier this week, and hearing you mention Eric Nam's interview on your YT channel is one thing which prompted me to hop on your Patreon. Also looking forward to getting my feet wet in Dreamcatcher variety show media along with you!