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I actually wrote out both parts of the finale video back in November, but by the time they were done, the holiday special had come out and I set them aside and started working on that so I could get it up by Christmas. That video and the last two parts of RR changed my view on how to do these. Most of the videos I put out in 2018 were shit, and I finally realized it's because I had gotten bored of my own shtick - ranting about how drunk and depressed I am with memes constantly flying at the screen. I think a lot of people watching were getting bored with it too. When I did RR, I began pushing these more in the direction of an abridged series, and it started being fun again.

When I came back to the S8 finale, I had to rewrite the whole thing to reflect that change in attitude, and I think what I ended up with is vastly better than the first version. I'm never gonna try to be FiW or MAS, we already have those, and I like having a pliable, "do whatever the fuck I want" style format, but it's much more fun to make videos with some kind of narrative running through them. This video did have a lot of meta-commentary from me, but I tried to tell a story with it instead of just ranting. I know the whole Chrysalis joke was probably visible like an oncoming train within the first 30 seconds of the video, but goddamn did I want to do that Kill la Kill scene.

Holy shit, ponies are harder to lip-sync than EqG. Lip-syncing requires a ton of stitching frames together in photoshop. Most of the time there aren't enough frames of a particular character in a particular scene or shot to sync with my lines, so I have to create my own by stealing mouths and facial expressions from certain frames and shopping them onto others. It's tedious work, but it's also a challenge I enjoy in a way. Doing this is usually pretty easy with EqG because other than profile shots, the mouth and eyes are in the center of the face, so you can take an expression from one frame and stick it onto another with relatively little touch-up. With ponies - because of the way their heads are shaped - most shots have the mouth on the edge of the face, so when they talk the mouth movements change the shape of the head. That makes it way harder to swap mouths between frames without a lot of brushwork.

Anyway, I'm gonna end up writing an essay here. I have the script and most of the frames for part 2 ready to go, so unless something catastrophic happens, that'll be the next video. As always, thank you guys for paying my bills, and I'll see you soon. If you have any questions, feel free, I try to keep pretty good track of my patreon notifications because, you know, you guys give me money.


Totally Legit Recap: "School Raze" (Part 1) Season 8 Episode 25

I want to hate you, but I can't. https://www.patreon.com/DWK https://www.paypal.me/spaghettimancer



One thing I'm amazed is that it's not just the editing that's getting better, but the jokes scripts and the whole package. This new style is really refreshing from the memefest, but don't be afraid to throw some of those at us. Like you said, do whatever is fun for you and it will most likely be even more fun for us as well.


With all the editing you're doing and the way you change the stories for the better you're morphing from a maybe analist to an abridger. Woo for character development!


I will always maintain that I'm not an analyst and never was. I definitely say analytical things sometimes, but it's almost always in service of making a joke.


The evolution of this series has been fascinating to see, and I've loved it every step of the way, and that, combined with the fantastic increase in the editing quality, is what led me to finally get off my cheapskate ass and throw a few bucks your way. Thanks for making such awesome stuff, man!


Two words : Good job.


I hope this doesn't come across as me trying to suck you off too much, but it is goddamn amazing how much the quality of your work has improved since you stopped drinking. And that's coming from someone who already liked your stuff enough to voluntarily give you money for something you were putting out for free. From the sounds of your past few posts, it sounds like your enjoying your work more now too. So good for you, enjoy life to the fullest while you can, because soon the ponies die and life will become as shallow and meaningless as G5 looks to be.


Man, if you said your videos were going to be like this a few months ago I'd say you were holding yourself to an impossibly high standard. But you're just *doing* it. This is great!


You realize all we are in the Patreon comments is DWK's elite fellatio squad, right? We're the kind of super-whores that pay the client instead of getting paid BY them. Don't be afraid. Pout those lips proudly, keep workin' that shaft, and make sure to keep the axle nice and lubed while you're at it.


So my friends and are getting our ducks in a row to head out to the last BronyCon in August. I was wondering if you might be there. Meeting you would be the cherry on top of a massive pony sundae!


Sorry man, but definitely not happening. Hope you have fun though.


I wonder if G5 will be as easy to edit and photoshop.


I was so happy for you in the beginning of the video because I haven't seen the episode yet. But the end was the saddest thing that's ever been.


Absolutely spot on, you just made my morning! Hilarious as ever 11/10


Your Hard Work & Dedication is MUCH Appreciated.


Glad your still sticking to making gay ass videos for me to enjoy; much appreciation.


10/10 on this one, was laughing through the whole thing and the aura of improvement is definitely there. Keep it up my guy


It's nice to see that you keep changing things up. I haven't gotten bored of the old style yet and I keep rewatching them occasionally, but the abridged style is fun, too. I havent seen Kill La Kill though. What was the reference? The anime thing at the end?


Do you generally not go to MLP conventions then? Is it for the same reason why I can't find any real pictures of you on the internet or am I just not searching properly?


Yeah, I don't go to conventions. I did a couple times way back before I did videos, but I got everything I wanted out of it and I don't feel the need to do it again.

Harmless Kitten

Dude, the fact that you're able to change your format like this while still staying damn funny attests to your hard work and determination. And that makes me respect you even more than I already did. It'd be easy to just pump out the same thing over and over, collect a paycheck, and call it a month. But you don't. You TRY. You put time and effort into these videos. You change, so your videos change (both for the better). And it shows, and we're all the beneficiaries of it. Seriously, man. Thank you for always trying to evolve and get better, because it sets a good example for us. Because hey, if DWK can do it, why can't we?


Thanks man. I have to keep trying new stuff because otherwise the videos become boring to make. If I lose my enthusiasm like that, I can't even pump out the same thing over and over; they actually get worse. Switching things up may be more work, but at least it's interesting work, and I'm glad you appreciate that effort.


"I have to keep trying new stuff because otherwise the videos become boring to make. If I lose my enthusiasm like that, I can't even pump out the same thing over and over; they actually get worse." - Canterlot Boutique in a nutshell.