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I have to admit, this episode softened me to Discord a little bit. I still think he's an annoying faggot, but at least I know there's more to him than that. Still, I'm not gonna go sounding the bells and declaring him redeemed anywhere close to just yet; we'll have to wait and see if this relatable side goes somewhere or if he just goes back to being an obnoxious knobgoblin.

At this point I give him a 5/10.

Anyway, thanks for sticking with me guys, I'm still settling back into this. I'm not sure which video to do next; I have the rest of Rainbow Rocks all written out, but goddamn that's gonna be one hell of an endeavor to produce. I might take on one more smaller thing first, just to make sure I'm fully back in the game.

I'll think about that more tomorrow, it's time to get drunk.

Also, I might put out something cool on Halloween.

Have a good one my dudes.


Totally Legit Recap: "Discordant Harmony" Season 7 Episode 12

Teatime. Discord learns how to be normal. I ponder the practical implications of sentient party supplies. Fluttershy is permafried. I am a pony-loving internet vagrant, so help me survive long enough to kill myself: https://www.patreon.com/DWK Music: "One Drop" by Bob Marley and the Wailers



I might have more to look forward to then a paycheck coming Halloween then. Great work dude keep it real!


I find that I always really appreciate the moral that you are able to recontextualise or modify in the show. And the comments on the inaccessibility of Equestria are always a satisfying sting that eases the pain for some unintuitive reason :)


Please, keep taking my money. Just keep delivering this trash to us.


DWK, ma dude. Is there a way that we can get a compilation of all the times you laughed while recording that... sensual(?) tea party scene? That would brighten up a lot of days, not to say this video hasn't already. Regardless, welcome back to autism central and keep doing the good work! *salute*

Bob Hershey

If the Rainbow Rocks recap is so fucking massive, just work on it in sections at a time...record some dialog, get drunk, edit some screencaps, get drunk again, edit some video, get so fucking drunk you think it's done, sober up and realize it's not done, say screw it and watch a Rarity episode instead...oh, wait a minute! That's not helping, is it?

Harmless Kitten

Dude, I'm drunk at Nightmare Nights Dallas, I got to see the season 7 finale with live commentary by Big Jim Miller, I saw M.A. Larson sign a creme brulee, and Lauren Faust has shaken my hand. Here I am thinking that this night couldn't get any better, and you go and release a freaking hilarious video. Thank you, is all I can say. You just made a near perfect night better!


Watching a Rarity episode is ALWAYS helpful...so long as you skip the songs post S2.


I agree. Do another smaller project/video to help you get back into the rhythm.

Bob Hershey

I don't know if you're going to do a Totally Legit Recap of "The Perfect Pear" or not, but this is so totally something you would use: <a href="https://derpibooru.org/1514133" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://derpibooru.org/1514133</a>


I just had to deposit money in to my account because I forgot about this. LOL!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-28 13:25:38 Man, I know you are workin your ASS off! &gt;&lt; Hope its all going well though man. Hey, relax and have fun man, they can wait after all. still proud to be a Bro XD
2017-11-09 03:18:54 Man, I know you are workin your ASS off! >< Hope its all going well though man. Hey, relax and have fun man, they can wait after all. still proud to be a Bro XD

Man, I know you are workin your ASS off! >< Hope its all going well though man. Hey, relax and have fun man, they can wait after all. still proud to be a Bro XD