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Goddamnit I wanna try that sandwich Dash's mom made. Anyway, here you guys go, and as usual, I sincerely thank you for shelling out your hard-earned scrilla for my spaghetti.

Now, onward to today's episode: Big Mac trying to get dat ass. I'm gonna have fun with this.


Totally Legit Recap: "Parental Glideance" Season 7 Episode 7

This week: a bunch of ranting, emotional tangents strung together with a supposed "life lesson" at the end, i.e. a normal video. Tendie fund: https://www.patreon.com/DWK Anything and everything helps. This is literally my job. Intro Music: "Suck My Kiss" by RHCP Outro Music: pls



Highlight of my week. Thanks bro ❤️


Dude, bro, seriously....the fact that I now help ensure you have spaghetti on hand helps me sleep better at night. Especially nights like now, whilst sleeping in the fuckin Mojave desert (army shit bro)


Ps, dash's mom.....I'd smash.... why not.... I mean I KNOW I can't.....but if i could...


That sugar ass


>"Is it any surprise that this fandom is such an autism magnet when one of our longest-running debates essentially boils down to which colors and shapes are the prettiest." This is something I've always found interesting about ponies: they are smooth geometric vector art, colorful geometric objects. I have masturbated to non-sexual vectors from the show and it is literally masturbating to pretty colors and shapes. The whole sexualization of the show says something interesting about our sexual wiring; it almost hacks the brain.


Man, that sounds like it fucking sucks, and a lazy sack of shit like me probably can't even imagine. If I can make it better for you in any way, that's fantastic.


Someone should do some research and write a legit thesis/article on why people fap to ponies. Or not. I'm lost in the woods dude.