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Welp, this is the closest thing we've had to a legitimate Rarity episode since Canterlot Boutique, and I got all emotional about it if you couldn't tell from the sappy emotional speech that took up the last third of the video. It's all too relatable seeing as I have a little sister who's way more of an adult than I am. I know that's not exactly the case between Rarity and Sweetie Belle, but I just mercilessly project my own insecurities onto these characters

A lot of people were asking me why I hate Zipporwhill so much, and the answer is very simple: her voice and the way she talks are really annoying to me. It's not just the accent but just what she says and how she says it. I know Tabitha's her VA and I don't mean to insult her, and the variety of voices she can do is fucking amazing, this particular one just bugs me, along with the lines the character says.

Anyway, I know I say this every time, but thank you guys for shelling out your money for my spaghetti. In the beginning, these videos were pretty easy to do, but the way they are now it takes between 40-60 hours of work to make one of these, and if I had to work a real job there's no way I could do them. So really, thank you.

Now onto Dash being Dash again.


Totally Legit Recap: "Forever Filly" Season 7 Episode 6

Sweetie Belle learns that adults are miserable and confused too. Rarity learns to just fucking deal. Sassy shows off her new signature perfume. Toss coins in my guitar case (please, I'm broke): https://www.patreon.com/DWK Intro Music: "Vogue" by Madonna Outro Music: "Pogonaisis II" by Nuclear Rabbit



It's all good bro, just glad to contribute even a little bit. If l wasn't so fucked on money, I'd honesty shell out more