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For RWBY daki, would a 3 month character winner cooldown be good? For example, winner for the month of April cannot enter poll in the next 3 months. August is the next month she's allowed again to enter.


Agent Snowman

I think it's a really good idea, it would help keep things fresh


This would be good. Starting with Ruby, Yang, and Neo, as those are the three most likely winners of any of your polls, RWBY or not.


Yes this is what I was looking for. Maybe Coco and Velvet could have a chance *falls down staircase*


Yeah, that seems like a fair compromise. I love Neo, but she has gotten way too much Daki love recently


It makes more sense to be honest. It allows for more girls to actually get a chance to win instead of the same 3. ^-^

Dick Kickem

That sounds like the most reasonable deal possible, maintains variety and prevents over exposure

The Mighty Goldfish

I do like this, and I reckon you should start with Neo + team RWBY as they're going to dominate any poll atm. It would give other animes/other RWBY characters a chance


Sounds good


Three month cooldown is a possible solution to prevent constant repeat winners.


I agree, but 2 months sounds better imo


That sounds fine to me.


As long as the RWBY content flows, I'll be happy. This sounds like a good idea


Yes this sounds good maybe start with neo and team rwby first


And like that, the Great Patron Civil War was averted, and peace returned.


Absolutely, it helps keep things fresh.

David Nguyen

I am fine with this


Expand it so it’s not just rwby, and i think it coukd work.


Aye, itll be nice to not have the same characters over and over


I think a three-month cooldown for daki winners is great but all I'm really looking for is to not have a Ruby, Yang, and Neo rotation. I think this should be applied to more than just RWBY girls too. All daki winners should have the same waiting period.

The Mighty Goldfish

Agreed! But I think people want Neo + team RWBY (or some of the team) to already be excluded from polls for the next three months