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Next daki poll and voting will be Patrons only. Would you me like to include RWBY female characters in the entries?



You shouldn’t. Most of the time, when RWBY characters are added, those characters will win over all else, and within the characters themselves, Ruby, Yang, or Neo regularly win such polls. You might want a little more variety this time around.


As much as I love your RWBY content (And I love it like crazy), other girls deserve a chance, as well. ^^


^ agreed, theres been a lot of Rwby, id say no for this one to change it up


Hmmm, I'll see what I can do. I'll read comments when I wake up. Goodnight y'all.


Maybe allow different Rwby characters, Noticed some of the lesser known Rwby girls don't win alot.


Just Emerald, maybe?


Seconded. Maybe leave out Teams RWBY, JNPR, Neo, and Cinder. As much as I love them, characters like Winter Schnee don't get the love they deserve.

The Mighty Goldfish

I vote for no RWBY. It's a very pleasant break to have different girls shown. All your art is incredible, and I very much love the RWBY ones, but given how many there have been it'll be cool to see more from other girls. Also will your poll be for the top few voted? (IE top 3, or top 5) Either way I look forward to it! Have a good sleep aswell!


As a RWBY fan, yes.


I would say yes to rwby characters but I would say don't do ones that commonly get voted to the top like you should exclude team RWBY jnpr Neo Cinder


I say you should rotate like one month do none RWBY characters and another month do Only Rwby characters to satisfy both sides But I don’t know I’m just throwing out ideas


I'm pretty much with everyone else. As much as your RWBY art is always fantastic, it's quite nice to see other characters get some attention. Take the recent SAO girls for example. Had RWBY characters been included in the results to vote then we wouldn't have gotten those gems. So finding a way to cycle between RWBY and non-RWBY is likely the best approach to things.


I really like all your RWBY related art but I do enjoy it when you do other stuff from different franchises. Gonna have to say no to RWBY.


As long as it's characters you haven't done yet.


This poll might spark a patron civil war.


Yes, but only minor/side characters: The Waitress, Amber, Arslan, May, NDGO, ext...


While I do love RWBY, it's nice to see some girls who aren't the RWBY girls that always dominate the polls


I'll give you guys updates about this one later after this poll.


Well, those are certainly... telling results. xD


democracy fails again