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Hello! I hope you had a great Christmas and are all set to have a good New Year... well, as good as can be expected, anyway. If you've been following recent posts here, or been following me on social media, you'll know that I've been working hard on a new, popular book about dinosaurs, to be published by Princeton University Press. The text is now FINISHED, which is good... but I still have to finish all the illustrations. There are about 50 to do, and I'll be sharing them here as I finish them (my deadline is the end of December, so I'm working hard). I hope you like them. I've decided to do something new: to create illustrations that are composites of pencil lines with digital shading and details. Here's what I've done so far. The only fully finished pieces are the Carnotaurus and dinosauroid, but here you can see a few others that are semi-complete...

The book contains 75 entries (plus a very long intro which explains what the book's all about), here's a list of them...

1. Abelisaurids

2. Allosauroids

3. All Yesterdays

4. Alvarezsaurs

5. Ankylosaurs

6. Archaeopteryx

7. Bakker, Robert (or Bob)

8. Birds

9. Birds Are Not Dinosaurs (or BAND)

10. Birds Come First

11. Bone Wars

12. Brachiosaurids

13. Brontosaurus

14. Carcharodontosaurs

15. Ceratopsians

16. Ceratopsids

17. Ceratosaurs

18. Coelurosaurs

19. Crystal Palace

20. Deinonychus

21. Dinosaur Renaissance

22. Dinosauroid

23. Diplodocoids

24. Hadrosaur nesting colonies

25. Hadrosaurs

26. Hell Creek

27. Herrerasaurs

28. Heterodontosaurids

29. Horner, Jack

30. Iguanodon

31. Jurassic Park

32. KPg Event

33. Liaoning Province

34. Macronarians

35. Maniraptorans

36. Marginocephalians

37. Megalosaurs

38. Megaraptorans

39. Morrison Formation

40. Nanotyrannus

41. Ornithischians

42. Ornithomimosaurs

43. Ornithopods

44. Ornithoscelida

45. Osmólska, Halszka

46. Ostrom, John

47. Oviraptorosaurs

48. Owen, Richard

49. Pachycephalosaurs

50. Paul, Greg

51. Phytodinosauria

52. Pneumaticity

53. Prosauropods

54. Raptor Prey Restraint (or RPR)

55. Rhabdodontomorphs

56. Saurischians

57. Sauropodomorphs

58. Sauropods

59. Scansoriopterygids

60. Sereno, Paul

61. Spinosaurids

62. Stegosaurs

63. Sue

64. Tendaguru

65. Tetanurans

66. Titanosaurs

67. Therizinosaurs

68. Theropods

69. Thyreophorans

70. Turiasaurs

71. Tyrannosauroids

72. Tyrannosaurus rex

73. Wealden

74. Zallinger Mural

75. Zigong Dinosaur Museum

I'd be prepared to share any of these sections to those interested, but I also totally understand if you'd rather wait until the book sees print :)

Thanks, as always, for your support, and you'll hear more from me soon. All the best!




Wow, that´s awesome to read! Can we get signed copys from you? And I would love to read your articles about T-rex, Ceratopsians and the Dinosauroid. I like the new drawings, too. Looks like the Triceratops head is covered in keratin..?


Thanks for comments. Once it's published and I have copies -- yes, you'll be able to buy the book from me. Requests noted on text, I'll share some later. Thanks for thoughts on the drawings - the final Triceratops is scaly, not wholly horn-covered (I don't follow that idea).


I'm so incredibly excited for this book to come out!