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💗WIP Connie Cat Christmas (SFW version) Lovely OC Angela 



Ciarán M

Oh my word... I was not prepared for this 😲. Didi, this has got to be easily amongst the sexiest works you've produced thus far 😻😍💜. I'm very happy to see this character again and her pose is fantastic with her long, luxurious hair flowing around her gorgeous face, arm pushing through to press her finger to her lip, breasts wrapped over her chest as she reclines while she offers up her gift oh-so naughtily at the centre of her widely spreading thighs... I suppose the question is, which is the real gift? The wrapped up present or... well, you know 😈😂. And it has to be said, that logo on her vest is adorable 😻. Absolutely marvellous WIP, Didi 💜💚💜💚💜💚, definitely eager to see you finish this ⛄🎄. Funnily enough though, while coming up with the concept for Christmas Mei, I had thought of something similar with the present here so I'm glad to that idea showing up again in a different painting.


Very good! Can't wait for you to finish this 😍😍.


Hehehehe your comment has made me laugh because of the real gift, hehehe ohh naughty mind hehehehe but the image says many things to interpret, and I think your hand there helps to think badly. Hehehe well I think I blush a bit but it's something I like to do, insinuate sexy situations. Ohh and you had the same idea is great then you can do it and you like it, the idea is Angela :3 for her the credits of the succulent idea hahaha. Well, I think I've had too much. A big giant hug to the kittens and to Ciaran :3💜💚💜💚💜💚


Thanks a lot Angela, the model is very beautiful and inspires to make Connie Cat, I'm really happy that you like :3