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💎Crystal Soul (NSFW content) OC Cory commission




She's so cute! Great work!

Ciarán M

Oh my goodness gracious... I.. Didi, this is just... WOW!!! 😲😻 Where to begin? I love the colours, she's so wonderfully vibrant and she stands out beautifully from the muted, cool background. I love the pink of her hair, bright blue eyes, varying shades of purple throughout her clothes, the little blue, pink and purple sparkles throughout as well as the warm tones of her skin, The actual rendering is gorgeous, her hair is so lovingly detailed and the contrasting shadows and edge-lights show the strands very well (I adore the way it all flows and spirals). Her face is beautiful 😻 and the sensual forms of her ample breasts, magnificent stomach and voluptuous hips and thighs are just amazing 😍😍😍. The various little occlusion shadows throughout really make some of the details pop out too such as the ones beneath her breasts and teeny-weeny panties and between her body and hair behind her. Stunning work, Didi 💜💚💜💚💜💚, definitely a wonderful sight on this chilly winter afternoon 🎄⛄.


This turned out perfect! 😍😍


Wiiiiiii Thanks a lot Ciaran it gives me so much excitement 😻to know that you like the details of this work, it is always exciting to read your comments about the girls I paint. A big hug, 💜💚💜💚💜💚to shelter the cold and the kittens.🎄🎅




i love the soft shapes here, your painting technique is very smooth and appealing