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Good timezone, everyone, Andy here! It's been a while since I said anything on this page, I'm sorry for going MIA without much news on Patreon.

By the way, v.0.11.33p has been uploaded to Dropbox, both 32 and 64 bit is ready for download. This one is a small update, roughly half the size of usual update. It was supposed to be updated two months ago as a filler episode, but stuff happened and I had to delay it for this long, I'm really sorry!


IMPORTANT: If you're not on our Discord server and don't receive the link and password on Patreon from me--even though you were/are a Patron from October onwards (both current and previous), do let me know in the comment then I'll get back to you within 24 hours. Although it's easier if you just head over to the Discord server and @ me. I'll usually notice it right away.

Even if you don't want to be in the server, you can just join, grab my Discord handle, and DM me there.


Next up is A10 (part of November Update), and then G10 along with CG for Gil's route (part of September-October Update), I'll send you guys another DM once it's ready.

Public version will be updated once A10 is up, which will happen in a few days.


One little update about 32-bit version: Due to incompatible saves and persistent file, causing the game to crash and refuse to launch at all, 32-bit version will not share the same saves as 64-bit version anymore.


Thanks for reading!



How do I join the discord?


Where should I join the discord ?


You should be in the server when you pledged to this patreon page. If you haven't gotten the invite, try this: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access