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Holiday timezones, everyone. It's Quismois time (Thanks, Camila Cabello. I can't get it out of my head.) Andy here with joyful monthly report to you! Personally, it's yet another Sunday; but nonetheless, I hope you guys are having a great holiday.

Crazy to think 2022 is ending! I don't know about you guys, but it went on so fast for me. I randomly reflected on something while writing this post and thought "Four years ago, if someone told me I'd be writing a story and people would read it, I'd tell them that's BS." But here I am, writing a Monthly Report for you, my readers--my friends. 

Ahem, enough of this kind of things, I'm not too great with those LOL. Moving on!


Don't forget about this, everyone! I'm still taking a break in January!

"I'll take a month break during January 2023 without pausing the billing cycle. So, if you're not up for that, make sure to pause your pledge for January 2023. You have been warned.
--that and I'm going to see Rex in January. We only get to see each other once in a year or sometimes none, so please let me enjoy it."

I really feel bad for not pausing the billing cycle, so I'll have a surprise for you in January. Please look forward to it!


Well, here comes the monthly report! I forgot to write changelogs in game, so I'm writing based on what I remember...which is not much. It's a small update this time, anyway!

  • Updated game to 0.10.01p and 0.10.01i:

For patrons, this will give you an access to Episode Parker 1. It's not a lengthy update, but I put a lot of thought into it. Since the features I'm including is experimental, early access version will have many bugs, and shit ton of typos (I swear I wasn't half-awake while writing it, but for some reason there were a lot of unfinished sentences and missing words!) I got rid most of them, and hopefully we can get rid of them all by the time it's up for all patrons! 

For itch/public, that will be Mark Day 9 update! A very intriguing update, please enjoy it to the fullest!

  • More adjustment to Gil's route:

This is mostly the same for previous month, but with less typos and errors. It's not included in early access version but will be available for all patrons later on.

  • New temporary backgrounds, side images, character sprites and new sub character:

These are mostly used in Episode Parker 1. Except for current character (grown up version). Also, I'm sorry for the effortless younger cast side pictures LOL. I did those in 10 minutes!!

You might notice the backgrounds look mighty familiar, because you're right, we're using UE5 (paid) meshes. It might be replaced, but for now, I'm content with these. I'm also using them as a practice for next project that will require me to create maps like these.

  • More sound effect and music:

Episode Parker is the house for new music. It's going to add bulk to the game, but the music can be used on other routes, so it's fine.


What's next?

January will be my downtime, but as I said above, I feel bad about not pausing the billing cycle, so I'll do something small. It's not a special episode or something, so please don't get your hopes up LOL.

February should be one of those housekeeping updates where we clean up the game and bug squashing.

We'll focus on providing more Days per update starting 2023 to pick up the pace. Hopefully by the end of 2023, we can reach day 15 for all routes. That way, the story for After Class will conclude before we get too old LOL.

We're also still looking for CG artist, so if you have recommendations, do let us know!


   >> Download Links: Public | Playful Lion | Quiet Bulls | Cuddly Bears + <<

If links above doesn't work for you, please, please, check pinned post--if nothing works, use Dropbox links (Patrons only, in update post when it's ready.)

Thanks for reading!




Very excited to see my favorite boi's episode~♡