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Good timezone, friends, Andy here! I hope everyone had a great time during Halloween! I didn't do anything, just working a bit and playing games with friends. Today's post is a little bit different, and I don't usually put this kind of things, but yeah, stuff!

So, we all know that there's special episode, and it's being worked on, so does Anders' Episode. It'll feature a few CGs by several artists, more than 3000 lines to read, a few choices that doesn't really matter, and possibly will give you a clue abou what happened during the past before the main story of After Class (or maybe it'll give you more questions than answers, hehe.)

But that's not why I'm posting this: I just want to let you guys know that we're hiring people for translating the special episode!

It's true that I should focus on having the main story translated first, but this is a one-time thing, and I want it to be as polished and accessible as possible; and boy, do I went all out for this update.

Here's what we're looking for:

  • ENG → KOR
  • ENG → JPN

A few things to note:

  • You must be at least, able to understand English comfortably without needing a vocabulary in hand at all times. It doesn't have to be perfect; as long as you understand mostly everything I write in After Class, you'll be fine. Do I sound like I speak perfect English? Not at all.
  • Able to finish translating before 20th of December. We'll have more than 15000 words in this special episode, in case you want to know.
  • Although we're hiring, I'm not paying you like I would traditionally pay translators (or how I got paid when I translated documents back then.) And no, I'm not paying you through exposure, I promise. (More details below)
  • This special episode is our one and only Patreon-exclusive content at the moment; but even if you're not a patron, you can still apply for the one-time translating job. I'll even send you a copy of the Special Episode for free (along with the payment!) The only thing I ask of you is to NOT redistribute without my permission, that's all. Please consider pledging just one time on December if you want to read the special episode, I need to pay bills, feed my two daughters, myself, husky and cat :(

Regarding your pay for translating, I'll offer a flat rate of $150-200, depending on how fast you work, instead of per-word basis. I've spent quite a lot of funds on artworks, so I have to cut back the expenses a little bit. I know $150 isn't a lot nowadays, but it's a nice way to get some spending money, no? 


If you want to translate the special episode to your own language, and it's not listed in what we need at the moment (CHI, KOR, JPN.) Feel free to do so! You won't get paid, though, sorry :(

Keep in mind that there's no way for me to verify whether it's accurate or not...so I'll need a few people to verify the integrity of the translations. And once we can do that, I'll include it in the special episode.


If you're interested! Do let me know through our email (afcl.trashboidevs@gmail.com) or if you're on the Discord server, feel free to contact me over there @ andehP#0039

Update: we've got enough Chinese Translation submission, thank you for your emails and messages on Discord!

Thanks for reading!




I hope you find the right team to translate the special episode into these languages. Best Luck!


Will the game language consideration come out in Chinese? Every time the text I am taking the translation software to barely understand the plot. The game is really very inconvenient.


Hello, I have seen the translation work post, I think I can do the word check after the Chinese translation