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Good timezone, friends! Andy here. It's that time of the month again! Yep, you guessed it right (or maybe you didn't, but), it's Monthly Report time!

Development side, there's nothing much done this month, I was dealing with a personal issue so I couldn't work on the game as much as I wanted to. I had a few ideas, but those gotta wait until I could solve it on my own, otherwise, I'll ask my friends for some help later on.

Anders' Day 7 Update [Public version]

Featuring our one and only co-writer (possibly better writer out of us two) Rex! Anders day 7 is so thoroughly written and was the first route to receive a...somewhat risque event CG.

Parker's Day 8 Update [Patreon version]

Parker's route is always the hardest to write for me, and somehow I decided to make it harder for me. There are a few differences in his route compared to the others'...and well, better find out, yourself! I feel like I'll end up fucking up the variables, if there's something that doesn't make sense, story-flow wise, just hit me up on Discord. I'll see if that's intentional or a variable error.

A Big Pack character has been added

This time featuring Jake, a patron/best friend of mine. Somehow Wolgen managed to make him hot...

A new music from MusMus added to the game

So, it's no news that After Class uses a LOT of royalty free music (we're planning to change it in the future), and we decided to add one more into the collection. It feels like we'll keep this one, even after we have our own music in the future.

New Background

Normally, we would commission two backgrounds in a month, but we didn't for personal reasons (and not because I forgot to do it too), but hey, better than none at all!

Tora's "indicator"

I won't say much about this one, but I wonder if romancing him is possible in the future...?

Android version!!

Joy, Renpy finally updated itself, now I can build Android version again, I hope!

Error Fixes

There are a few errors spotted in the game...again, I'm thankful for everyone who's helped me to spot and get rid of those!

  • "IOError: Couldn't find file 'FG/Parker/main_p2c_neutral.webp'" error has been fixed.
  • "Image 'talbot' not found." error on Gil's Day 4 route has been fixed.

Future Plans:

  • Mark day 8
  • Big Pack: Rook's character sheet
  • School Library BG

...and more!

Big Pack Tier is available for the winner of the Big Pack event.

NOTE: Do not pledge to this tier if you weren't picked during the Big Pack event because I won't refund you.

Well, that's all of the things we have in 6/5/2021 update, Parker's day 8 unpolished update link for Cuddly Bears and up is live and Anders' day 7 update for public will be uploaded soon.

Thanks for reading!




I almost dropped my phone when you showed me Torahiko in bus with Walter


Jake is looking pretty good...i think i may have a crush on him


Jake is so cool!!!It's a shame just to play a supporting role. Does he have a chance to become one of the main characters?


WYM "MANAGED TO MAKE HIM HOT" YOU BIH!!! >:c But yay I get to thirst over myself in game now (and canonically marry lars 👀)


Will the new pack be available again in the future 😲 I would love to sub to it, mostly because I know the extra support would be insanely helpful. And!! I'm gonna start working again here soon, so it wouldn't be an issue!! You did an amazing job with adding so much! Even if you hadn't had the amount of time you've wanted, you've still done a lot of massive stuff with the game!! I do wish you the best!!!


I notice characters with question mark symbols when looking up the profile of the romanceble characters. Have those two mystery characters already been decided?


Tora as a romanceable character will be a plus since it can satisfy Morenatsu fans and provide closure to those who were disappointed that Tora didn't ended up with MC in the original VN. So I say go for it! ;)


Very nice


Not pressuring for it at all but! I am curious if we have a estimate for how many builds away content for Gil is? I absolutely love the guy <3


So when can I get an Android version with Lars day 8?


I second this, I love all the guys but you can't beat Gil 🥰