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Greetings, friends, Andy here!

Hmm... there's not much to say at the moment, but we've finished the polished update. It's pretty much the same with the previous one, but a few scenes have been fixed for consistency. 

Here's what changed:

Flashback of Anders previously mentioned about Talbot appearing in general route has been fixed, now it only appears if you hung out with Mark and Anders the night before.

Househusband Lars joke is only limited if you took a bath with Lars the night before.

Added a whole bunch of character sprites and expressions in a few scenes.

Important notice:

Day 2 CG is only limited to Lars' route for now. It'll be updated sometime later along with the others' updates.

There's a scene that causes the scene to glitch out in Lars' day 8 (don't worry, it's intended), rolling back and saving will cause the scene to disappear, so if you got that, I'd suggest read what you can and rollback after. It'll only happen once (unless you deleted some files, but I wouldn't suggest that, as it deletes all of your progress. Not saves, but progress: text will become unskippable, discovered BGs and CGs will be reset, that kind of thing.) Once you got the scene, it's forever gone.

Android builds won't be available until Renpy fixes it. There's a third party app to let you play Renpy games with no Android build. It works, but I won't put anything here that's not from official builds. I'm not responsible for any issue caused by said third party app.

We have pre-release from Renpy that fixes the issue, so I expect we'll get Android builds in a week or two.

Link: Dropbox | 0810intrigue | Monthly Report: Lars Day 8 | Android Builds Issue 

If the password isn't working, try waiting 10 minutes before trying again, and type it in manually instead of copying from here.

Thanks for reading!




After you gave that warning, I got paranoid so hard that I'll miss it, so I ended up screen recording the whole day 8 so I wouldn't miss anything LOL. But would the route continue on from that scene? Cause I saved it and on that file the MC still says "I get the feeling I did something weird" in the bathroom. But of course if l loaded other files and continue back from the scene he didn't say that.


I missed reading this story so much. It just fills my heart with joy. My baby Lars deserves all the best. I will be very sad if there is a "canon route" and it is not Lars's, but I will survive. That said, it was worth waiting for the hiatus, the story is incredible as always.

jovuan Jackson

How do I get those scenes?