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Hey everyone! Andy here again. After a long time of inactivity on Patreon and when I said something, it was about the sales tax. But let's change that, shall we?

I'm currently writing day 7 as we speak, there's a lot to do, I'm kinda struggling to do something about it! But thankfully, it's going well. Although there were some unexpected incident where I lost more than 100 lines of my progress, so I had to rewrote some of the lines. I've been getting in touch with Wolgen and Vui about getting a lot of CGs and BGs done. It's not enough, but we're doing our best. 

Writing-wise, I think I'm doing fine, and given enough time, I'll be able to finish it before next month. But the downside is that you'll see stock images being used in day 7 since we're still making the backgrounds and character arts...and CGs!

I can't show you that much, because that will count as spoiling the game, and I don't like spoiling the fun, but here's one of the many scenes I really like.

Is that a spoil? I don't know!

Right, there's one thing I want you guys to know. I'm more active on Discord, so if you have questions or anything, please head over there. 

And did you know? We also have our Discord server, so if you have a Discord account, connect your Discord with Patreon, and the bot will bring you in. I post a lot of progress and teasers there.

Thanks for reading!



Work it!!!!! Yall are doing fantastic! Just work slowly and we as your patrons will love the outcome! We also do be vibing on discord!


That sucks that you lost so many lines of script, I hope that you were able to remember most of it! Also can I get the Discord link please?


I can't just give the discord link, but you can do this to get invited automatically by the bot and be given appropriate role! https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role


Tora ❤️


blessed gif


Love the new art. Thank for the update Andy.


The tail wag and smile Gil has is awesome. ^^

North Grizz

Let us have a minute of silence for the lost 100 lines... Joking aside, that really sucks. Take the time you need to do the writing properly, same for Wolgen and Vui with the art. If you start feeling deadlines bearing down on you like some kind big bearing thing, just take a breath, think about Douglas Adams' relationship to deadlines and take the time you need.


Regardless of the setbacks REMEMBER U A GUD BOI AND VERY STRONG AND CAN POWER THRU EM (also i love the gill animation hehe)


ALSO PS thank you for including TORA he was my FAV FAV OML