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Hello, everyone, it's Andy. It's been a while; I hope everyone's doing well. 

v.0.11.33p has been uploaded to Dropbox, and it's available for all previous and existing patron from October through December. So, if you get this message even if you're not a patron anymore, it means you've pledged to my page during October, thank you!

This one is a small update, roughly half the size of usual update. It was supposed to be updated two months ago as a filler episode, but stuff happened and I had to delay it for this long, I'm really sorry!

Both 32 and 64-bit version is available for download, but due to incompatible saves and persistent file, causing the game to crash and refuse to launch at all, 32-bit version will not share the same saves as 64-bit version anymore.

Dropbox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/dihfswgpis5k5ktu6h5jr/h?rlkey=3w4cmcijh6p60sw9bn3msv82w&dl=0
Password: 10octlate

If you have more question, feel free to join our Discord server, I'm usually there to answer any question if you tag me. 

Thanks for reading!
Published: 2023-12