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Back into the Swing

  • Stealing the Blueprints 1
  • Debugging Quincy 0
  • Sabotage CCTV 5
  • 2024-01-05
  • —2024-01-19
  • 6 votes
{'title': 'Back into the Swing', 'choices': [{'text': 'Stealing the Blueprints', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Debugging Quincy', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Sabotage CCTV', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 19, 1, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 5, 3, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 6}


Back into the Swing

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a great holiday (in whatever form that might take) and start to the New Year. Now that I have finished eating myself into a coma, then panic running the extra weight off, I’m back to working on One Week Heroine fulltime.

Groping and Grabbing

Today is a minor milestone in the One Week Heroine’s creation. We have our first draft of some of the close-up sex scenes that will be reused at several points throughout the game. These are still in the draft stage and my artist is working hard on cleaning up and detailing them. Here is a look at Molly’s groping scenes (both breasts and ass):

There are also variations for each outfit that Molly has:

Implementation wise, these images will be used during minor sexual interactions with Molly (or Ginger). Here is an example from the opening of the game. Ginger has been told to talk her way into a compound, unfortunately, the guard doesn’t seem to be buying her story. EX gets a choice:

With the right choice (I wonder which one) Ginger will use her womanly wiles to get past the guard.

Other images will be used for major sex scenes as well as penetrative sex scenes. The penetrative sex scenes will have more modularity to them so that the cocks can be swapped out depending on the ones doing the penetrating.

Progress Update

Two more scenes have been fully implemented into the game which has gotten us to the half-way point to the first alpha build. Once the new sex scenes are done it is just a matter of replacing the placeholder images that are in the game currently. Luckily that is as simple as replacing them in the file system, no extra coding required!

I asked on my discord if people wanted me to release a free demo that just covers the introduction to the game, to which people said, “yes please”. There will only be one missable minor sex scene in the demo, but it will give people an idea of what to expect of One Week Heroine. The last things needed to be added for the demo release is the finished Ginger Groping image and the finished Regime Goon. Note, I won’t charge backers for this first release.

Priority Poll

Now for our first ever poll for One Week Heroine. There are quite a number of side missions available in One Week Heroine and I wanted to let you guys pick which out of these three side missions I will focus on adding into the game first:

Mission 1: Stealing the Blueprints

Infiltrating Regime compounds is quite the task, especially without knowing their layouts. Luckily, Molly overheard someone speaking about these blueprints whilst she was scoping out the theater. Molly needs to find a way to infiltrate the construction company’s archives, perhaps posing as the new secretary is her ticket in.

Mission 2: Debugging Quincy

Quincy has been having some troubles that he is too embarrassed to tell EX about. During the last mission, he managed to pick up a virus and the only way to deal with it is the application of lubrication to Quincy’s main interaction shaft. Will Molly help Quincy out or find another way?

Mission 3: Sabotage CCTV

The Regime’s eyes are everywhere on Peeltopia and it is causing a lot of issues for the C.O.P.A. team. Molly needs to find a way of breaking the various cameras that litter the island. Perhaps she can ask the locals for help.

Next Week

That is all for this week! Hope to see you here next week where I will be going over the background of Agent Ginger Piper.


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