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My apologies for being a tad late. but here's this weeks 'in SECURITY' comic.

I'm not sure how well this one stands alone. If you remember it was part of the arc 'Golden Gaijin' with Sam and Sedine living the weeb-dream by cosplaying as a stereotypical couple of an ultra realistic high school Anime romcom XD

However, I really liked the art of this strip. The overall arc was fun anyway since I was breaking the character design and drew in a more anime-ish design. I remember, we even had a couple readers who lamented that Sam couldn't look always as handsome as he did here ^^"

Anyways, if you like the art but haven't read 'in SECURITY' (either because it's too large of a project or you didn't find the comic style appealing, I highly recommend to check out the 'Golden Gaijin' arc. For once because the art is less cartoony and more manga. but also it's a fun arc based on my own travel to Japan, years ago ^^

Either way, hope you like the art. happy Sunday  :)



Serra Britt

So many cherry blossoms! This is a good one in color :)


Ah yes, the bishoujo view with the classic running with toast in your mouth. That was quite a funny panel.