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and this month's two NSFW sketches, still on the $5 tier. Friendly reminder that that will change in April. so until then you can still enjoy this benefit on the old system. also, another friendly reminder that I edited close to everything to make it available on the new $6 tier. There are still the old 'in SECURITY' WIPs to go through and some really old 'in SECURITY' sketches. But everything else, especially 'Kitten' related, is available for all the upper tiers. thanks for your patience and understanding ^^

And about the actual post...BODY PAINT!!! well, not quite. More like messy paint ^^"

I'm currently playing around a hell of a lot with paint in my sketchbook. So I felt it might be fun making that the theme of this month's spicy sketches  :P

as usual, the full drawings are in the attachment so that we don't jumpscare those who are not into this content ^^

Hope you like the art and have fun painting ;)





How would you feel about fan made NSFW content of Mino & Sedine?

Serra Britt

Good thing Walter didn't actually give up painting! Rawr XD


Well, I don't really know, tbh. I can't stop ppl from doing fan content of any form. However, if you really ask for my consent, tasteful nudity (such as the kind of art I'm making here) would be fine. But more hardcore kind not so much. Also, I'd like to discourage mature fan art of this type for 'in SECURITY' and 'Remy'. 'in SECURITY' is kinda precious for me and 'remy' has teenagers so...yeah. I hope that answers the question ^^"