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oh no, the treated C-word: Crappy Poodle!

Kids, never say that...or if you have to say it, don't tell anyone you got it from me ^^"

New-Old 'in SECURITY' comic. my apologies for the sheer amount of re-runs. I think this will be the case for another month or two. There still will be new 'in SECURITY' strips. But for now I have to rebuild my other ongoing projects properly in order to make room for Sedine (and another project I have planned for this year, stay tuned for more information on that ;P)

Once again, thanks to Serra Britt for doing the flat colors on this comic. I can't stress enough how much of a help they are to me bc, holy fudge nugget, having even just one task taken off of my shoulders makes such a difference. Thanks for working with me ;A;

anyway, hope you enjoy this classic ^^




I can’t believe that I wasn’t censored! Someone needs to have their mouth washed with soap… 🧼

Serra Britt

Poor Sedine! ...wait, she's just looking for any reason to not like Ellie, isn't she XD (Also, I really like working with you too Bea, it's quite a pleasure!)


Yeah, well thankfully she got around that with time. But in the early days it was quite the rivalry 😋 (also, happy to hear that. Pleasure is all mine ☺️)