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and in the speed of light...I did a NSFW just in time. actually, I also wanted to do the male version of this (it would've been Walter's turn again). But with the time on hand I could only manage to squeeze Mino in...unless I wanted to blow the Christmas deadline ^^"

next month you'll get the double pack again :)

very pastel, again. I really enjoy playing around with light colors these days. Especially with a cold winter theme, I felt it feels appropriately to use light blue and red shades.

In her hand she holds a snow globe with a heart in it. But I feel like....the heart is not as visible as I wanted it to ^^"

anyway, Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Hope you like that little sketch. As usual, full artwork is in the attachments  :)




Tastefully done, as always.

Serra Britt

Kitty has gotten into the ribbon again, I see.