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ooooh, do I smell regret over ill thought through actions?

Unlike Reina, Viola is actually not a bad person. a bit catty but when you think about it, Mino was the aggressor. A lot of people immediately jumped to Mino's defense. But I actually wanted to make sure that Mino in the end gets some scolding and regret over her actions.

well, like patchouli said, it's not like anything will come from this interaction...or will it?



Alistair Star

Oh! Has viola found someone's social media account? Actually, mino probably doesn't have one. But then again, Rupert probably has her pictures on his. Oh the suspenseful cliffhanger. Again.

Tactical Bagels

Obvious pun aside, I don’t even know if Viola was especially catty. She seemed to me to just be spitting facts to a rude stranger interrupting her time with her fans, and then telling the boaster to put up or shut up. Not sure if that was a typo in Patchi’s speech bubble, but Mino does need to learn not to start things she’s UNwilling to finish. Or at least not complain when she’s beaten at something she started.


Mino, no one obeys those rules of no photography at those places. It's probably already on Y and headnote.

Michael Minnott

Poor Mino. She's likely already trending, but not in a flattering way.


Gotta agree with Tactical Bagels: I think Patchouli's line should be "...you learn very fast not to get involved in a fight... that you're NOT willing to finish" (or "you AREN'T willing to finish"). That would actually make a lot more sense.

Philip Rauschert

I have this sneaking suspicion that we're going to see more of Viola. Of course that just could be my Put More Drama Init! tendencies that fill myown stories... but its worthy of putting out there for musing.


yes, that's a typo ^^" I didn't get this episode through proof reading in time and I'll correct that issue for the Webtoon release. thanks for pointing it out tho. My proofreader usually catches everything. But it's always good to have another pair of eyes on the text :)


Also, I'm glad you see the situation as such with Viola. I feel like a lot of people love Mino so dearly that they overlook her misbehavior or even a fast to shift the blame somewhere else. so opponents, even if they aren't necessarily evil, have a harder time. I noticed the same with jack. I love him dearly (just like a I love Mino), but it's a bit weird what he gets away with while Walter gets the book thrown at quite often :(


good start to become an influencer. I mean, Viola probably already has plenty of haters who jump onto Mino's account just out of spite ;)


Thanks. Yeah, I finished this episode a week ago, but forgot to sent it to my proof reader ^^" The error will be corrected for the webtoon release :)


Oh, I totally plan to ^^ I hope I can pull her story properly off. I think it can go into any direction, from people really liking her...or hating me 0_0"