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my apologies for the late post. this one was meant to go up yesterday. But something came up and I was out of the house until late at night >.<"

Anyway, Sedine-kitty cat ...and two tails on a cat are never a good sign ;)

I was trying something new this time by using a blue brush pen for the outlines. That was more or less by accident. I merely wanted to outline her eyes and lashes with the brush pen. But it kinda looked neat so I kept going and did the whole drawing.

I do prefer sepia and dark blue outlines over black inking, tho. At least for maker artwork it does look a bit more gentle and dreamy ^^

Hope you like it. I try to get another Mino sketch up today or tomorrow :3



Serra Britt

What are you talking about? Two tails are the best always (nope totally not biased nuh uh)