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and some male fan service, oh yeah ;)

I'm not really sure where the idea came from. I think I wanted to do something with perfumes and fragrances, gentle to cat noses for awhile but...I dunno, head empty I guess XD




Dang, that mess worked faster than Axe body spray!

Alistair Star

One bottle of cat pheromones coming right up.


Oh yeah~ Gotta show him off~ XD Looks like Mino might like it... too much~


This doesn't look good... Or maybe it does, depending on how you look at it.

Nick Klepac

This might be fun!

Tactical Bagels

“My Mino?” Here’s hoping for another conversation soon about what exactly they mean to each other. Maybe prompted by another slip. The “catgirlfriend slice of life” genre is criminally low on content.


He better know what he is getting into. My wife planted some cat mint and the cats tore it up almost as bad as catnip!

Serra Britt

Hopefully he won't be all the rage of *all* the cats in the neighborhood now XD


🤔 I thought cats were repulsed by mint/menthol as it's another strong scent