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And on today's Father's Day, Roy teaches his girls about free will, freedom of expression and...the fact he can't draw hair...

Well, nothing wrong with boldness, tho. I mean, there's a character in 'Katzen' coming soon who's bold. And she's cute so...Roy is just already ahead of the curve compared to me. ^^

This strip was based on a doodle my husband did years ago of...you guessed it, a bald mermaid. I can't tell you what the exact context even was. I think he was just silly or something. Either way, I thought it was a funny doodle. and when I asked why she had no hair, his answer was 'because she doesn't want it' XD

Fair enough. I mean, when you really think about it, having flowing hair underwater sounds kinda obnoxious  anyway. More power to poopi-doo, I'd say :)

Happy Father's Day. 




Drawing hair, my kryptonite.

Serra Britt

Drawing hair is always so -- scary XD