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Jackie, the manipulator. Although this is only half of the story, lol

It's nothing new when I declare Jack as a control freak. That obsession is not only about other's and the situation but also about him himself. Let's be honest, by falling in love, you hand over a lot of control over you life to another person. Not only when it comes to your lifestyle, but also your emotions. How often have we seen people give up hobbies, dreams, or even change their whole demeanor (for the better or worse) because they have been smitten with another person.

Jack doesn't want any part of it. However, that doesn't mean he isn't aware about weaponizing the desire of other's...at least until the tables turn XD

For example, in 'Kitten' Jack is very friendly and flirty with Rupert. reason behind that is that Rupert is a push over and Jack is taking advantage of it. Once Rupert returned that favor (such as when he mentions he doesn't have anymore room in his bed for another cat), Jack will pull back because, well, it's all fine and dandy when he's in control. But once someone else is on the offense...things get intimidating...

that's being said...not gonna lie, I'd hand over all my savings to spend an evening with this bloke ;A;




I guess I’m just gonna have to die a fool.

Serra Britt

Eh, I'd rather be with someone I care about on equal footing than try to do what Jack is doing ^^;