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(translated: I hate drawing cars...and lawnmowers...and chainsaws +___+)

A snip out of one of the strips I'm working on this week, featuring a lovely Ranchero. Those cars are so cool *0*...But they are still a pain to draw. meh.

I hope we get any of those strips done 'till Sunday. Otherwise you get to see a strip from last week....which also features cars...ARK, CARS!!! ;A; 

(and next week I draw chainsaws...it's getting worse and worse XD)

Thank you for your support and have a great weekend :> 




Dear Bea, when I was working in animation I once had to draw a car over six times before the art director accepted it. It went from very cartoony to almost realistic. I wonder today if it was because I was such a poor artist or just had an art director who didn't know what he wanted. Best, Nick


Oh my, sounds like you had a picky art director 0,0 Reminds me a bit on some of my art teachers. Some of them were very difficult to please and seemed to change their minds like their socks. But I don't remember that I had to revise my work more than 3-4 times...at least not majorly ^^'


Dear Bea, I wanted to send you copies of some of my latest work including my comic book cover for Starflake. Will you be sending me a message at space.opera@yahoo.com? Best, Nick


Yes, I will take care about that ASAP. I'm sorry for the delay. I will drop you a mail by tomorrow. best wishes ^^