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This idea...was based on my brother.

We used to own an old cat, which was in love with some cat treats called 'leckere Maeusschen' (transl. tasty mice), which were tiny dried curd pieces in form of mice.

Anyway, due to the name of said treats, my brother was always joking how the producers of said cat treat know that they indeed were tasty (my brother is a bit of a clown himself, as you can guess I bet ;P)

Somehow I imagined Sedine asking the very same question and, unlike me and my brother, taking a bite to find out if the tasty treats really are tasty XD

That's the whole back story to this strip. Although...I'm pretty sure something like this already exists in some other form anyway. ^^"

Hope you like it :)




I had a cousin that liked to eat dog biscuits. Apparently they had appeal.


Bet a lot of people did that, especially when young. I'm kinda disgusted by the idea, to be honest. Chances are, there isn't anything harmful for humans in their but...ew, it still sound's kinda gross XD

Denis Gehlhaar

I tested my cats wet food once just for fun and found it pretty good. Funny comic by the way. And i also very much enjoy the making of. It helps my own art as well :)


Well, at least that way you found out your cat is eating good food :D Thank you for the comment. and I'm happy the WIPs serve you as a help :)