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Curse you, laws of physics! ...at least I assume water evaporating is under the laws of physics?...sorry, I'm a bit dumb dumb. ^^"

Either way, new pin up and I'm really happy how this one turned out. It's not the first motif with Mino in an Onsen. But I think it's quite an improvement compared to the first one. In case you haven't seen it yet (or forgotten that it existed, I mean, it's nearly two years), here it is:


I tried to paint more this time, compared to the cell shading I usually do. In other words, I wanted to use the blender tool more, rather than my usual lasso fill in order to create the shadings. I think it turned out well. At least I feel pretty happy with it.

My favorite part is probably her hair. I prefer to keep it in a simple shape. But detailing out the strands was pretty cool too. 

Hope you like it and have a wonderful Sunday :)




Goshdarn that censor steam! Looks great as usual, Bea!


I think all you work looks amazing, but comparing the two drawings, this one is an amazing improvement!! So much detail and is a lot more realistic. Amazing work!!