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What's better than cute cat girls? Cute cat girls with glasses 🤓

OK, as I mentioned in one of the previous sketches, I want to show off more side characters. But also give you guys what you are here for. So I thought maybe I can combine new and established characters to create a nice balance :3

If you checked out my NSFW sketches you already have seen Cindy. Just in case, she's a Siamese cat I created to show off Wally's womanizing side. however, I liked her too much so she'll become a reappearing character in 'Katzen'.

So what's up with the glasses? Well, I was trying to read up on why blue eyed white cats tend to be deaf....and instead I stumbled over an article that claims that Siamese cats tend to have bad eye sight. So the idea of Cindy wearing glasses/contacts popped in my mind and I thought it would be adorable (especially since she is a bit of a nerdy personality)

Well, after digging a bit deeper turns out that the eye sight thing is more or less a myth. But as far as I understand, there is some connection between the blue pigments (or rather lack of pigment causing the blue color) in cat's eyes that could effect the eye sight. And since Mino has one blue eye...glasses Mino confirmed...well, not really, but the idea is still cute ^^

I'm not sure if these two ever cannonly meet in the comic. But If they would they'd probably get along fine (as long as Cindy keeps her hands off of Rupert, that is XD) Both have pretty bubbly personalities and I just can see them chatting up a storm over everything and the world. Cute 😌

Hope you like the drawing.



Michael Minnott

They're both very cute. Cindy looks especially stunning in the mini-dress and thigh-highs.

Philip Rauschert

I have looked up the definitions, I have analyzed the quality of line and color application, I have examined the purpose and means of the drawing, and after consultations with numerous experts, I can safely declare that this latest piece is... in fact... cute. XD


Thank you ^^ yeah, I really enjoy drawing her. She wears a lot of daring outfits, something I don't really utilize a lot within the comic. But I think it's such a cute contrast to her personality. She might come off as a 'mean girl'. But she's actually really, really sweet :)


I'm happy I passed the quality check :D And I'm happy you like the artwork ^^