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Happy New Year and here the conclusion of the first part of 'Bowtie me up und vermöbel mich'

This whole chapter is a three part story which is meant to go over several issues of my two boys here: "Jack's demands", "Walter's needs" and the fact that they need to become a unit in order to archive their goals. All three themes will show up over and over again within future chapters. But I feel like this chapter/story sums it up as compact as possible.

So the first part goes more over Jack's ideology and demands. You see, he's a rather special person. He holds up a very specific image of himself, not because society demands it from him but because he feels that's how a proper person should be like. Jack is self build and couldn't care less if you agree with his sensibilities or not. And that's what makes him a rather solitude person since he also expect others to adhere to his high standards otherwise they don't have any business being in his life...which is a bit of a paradox that he doesn't care for societies norms but wishes to enforces his on those around him XD

Anyway, evidently we are witnessing a miracle here since he actually takes a step back and considering that Walter might not fit into the same box he's in. As he mentions, he still wants to get his pal a proper suit and 'fix him' so to speak. But for now he values Walter's happiness over his own ideologies. 

I think it's a really nice portrayal of their bond to each other and how much Jack actually cares for Wally by the end of the day. After all, Walter is the only character for whom he's dialing back his attitude...even if it's only for a brief moment. 

The next part runs under the subtitle "vermöbel mich" Which is kinda a pun. So if you read the chapter's title in full: "bowTIE ME UP and vermöbel mich" it would mean 'tie me up and beat me up' Yikes XD 

However, 'Bowtie' in the first part indicated the clothing store. 'vermöbeln' which is a German slang for beating someone, also has the German term for 'furniture' (Möbel) in it...in other words our next stop on this little shopping tour will be a particular Swedish store that sells amazing meatballs and hot dogs XD  

Hope you like it :)



Alistair Star

One of each from the collection behind him?!. That's..pretty reasonable of him. But...also rather expensive don't you think?. Or are bow ties just inexpensive?. Or is Jack just rich?