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I always meant to use that flamingo tape...well, here ya go. Although it's a bit sad that the flamingos look like black silhouettes. on the original tape their are actually golden :/

Anyway, a Charlene sketch. Kaiser is asking for more side characters (not only in 'Kitten' but also 'in SECURITY'. So I thought I probably should follow up and try to show more than just Mino and Sedine. Although it's a bit tough for 'Kitten' because I feel like people wanna see only Mino...I may drop some free sketches I did for myself to feel the water, I guess ^^"

Either way, Charlene with one of her iconic pink flamingos. It's kinda funny that the flamingos were part of only one arc with her but...that one arc was enough to tie her to them XD

Not that I necessarily mind. I mean...PINK!

Also, I'm really happy how the colors scheme worked on this one. Green is not so my cup of tea but...it looks great in the combination with pink.

Hope you like the sketch :)



Bazile Nicolas

"She was right : it didn't have to be weird"

Serra Britt

To be fair, *I* want to see more pictures of Patchoulli and Jack... This is a lovely picture and I always love seeing everyone :)


Thank you so much. I just drew a Jackie sketch the other day so…yeah, it’s coming :3