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...and so were you. yet, I made it. it's still Sunday!!! well...where I am it is ^^

I wanted to do a more festive picture of Mino. But halfway through I changed it to a more neutral one. I mean, it still has a cold feel to it, despite no snow or fireworks...so let's hope Mino isn't catching a cold.

Also, my apologies. the past three Mino illustrations are all night motifs and all in the purple color range. That was not on purpose >,<

Next Mino pin will be during daytime again...I hope

Hope you like it and have a wonderful start into the new week :)



Jacob Clark

Mino is definitely best girl in my opinion and honestly I usually don't like cat girls but the way you put mino together and how she looks great in whatever motif you do is just beautiful.

