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And…we are out of order xD

well, I already hinted that I don’t do the prompts in order anyway. So…yeah.

little late with the posting. Mostly because my laptop of two years started crashing on me and…I’m very upset about that. not Sure if it’s softwood hardware related. Online Apple forum can’t really help since the troubleshooting leads nowhere for me… I hope it’s just a glitch that resolves itself with the next OS update. If not I have To bring it to the shop and…might be pc-less for weeks…or months…and, yep, that’s a huge issue for me because I need my laptop for comic work.

so, yeah, I’m really distressed over this and wasn’t in the mood for posting yesterday…

but artwork wise I’m still making good progress. Bunny suits are my all time favorite so this drawing went over pretty well. Although I regret not giving Sedine her normal large eyes. She’s supposed to look sexy. But instead she kinda looks drunk 😅

hope you like it. ‘Simptober’ #4 comes later tonight :)



Sureen Entertainment Studios

I mean, one of the reasons that bunny girl is so sexy is because of the exposed back. Exposed backs are sexy as hell, perhaps sexier than anything other than boobs (the sexiest part imo). So, yeah, bunny girl is sexy. Of course, everything you draw is sexy, which makes sexy stuff even sexier XD

Nick Klepac

Love the view.