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And on that day Jack was sent to bed without desert.

I stinking love Mechthild, Jack's (foster-) mom. I have so many scenes of her in my head. Some in her younger years and some of where she embraces her role as a mother figure. And I don't have the room to put them all in the comic ;A;

She's really fun to write because she's both, a really sweet and caring person...with an intimidating and salty side. I actually unintended based her younger design on Bellemere from 'One Piece'...which is kinda funny since Bellemere was also a foster mom. sweet and salty XD

Anyway, just a cute scene I had in mind...and I needed an excuse to Draw Mechti in her younger years ^^"

Hope you like it



Serra Britt

The things children say!

Philip Rauschert

I said that to my mom too. I was thirteen, old enough to know better, but the mouth, it does stupid things.