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Next batch of Tips (gotta put some weight into it since there's lots to catch up ^^)

Us poking a bit fun onto sports mascots. Not in a malicious way because...dunno, mascots are a bit cringe but they are also fun, I think. (although I always feel happier not having to interact with a person inside a costume. It's a bit creepy for me personally ^^"

I don't know why, I always thought the Saints should've named their mascots 'Bernard the Saint' and 'Saint the Bernard'. Apparently in our world they didn't....and it's tragic. So we righted that wrong by naming the mascots as they should be named in ;in SECURITY' (as if any of this matters)

The mascot for the diners was thought up pretty quickly and...I still like the idea of the 'dirty dancing mattress' XD Although, if you think about it...the posture this man inside is having...is not very healthy ^^"  



Nick Klepac

Mighty funny. Mascots are cool. Names given to mascots and the cheerleaders are weird at times. They call the Jacksonville Jaguars cheerleaders the "Roar"??? How is that, Jaguars don't roar!