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OK, first off, my apologies for being so late with this pin up. I should've uploaded it around two weeks ago. 

Thing is, as you might read it already somewhere on Webtoon, I have a bit of health concerns going on (mostly in my legs). According to the doctor it's nothing serious and I merely need to drink lots more water, take better care about my posture (perhaps look into a better chair), stretching/exercise and adjust my lifestyle a bit. So it's nothing to be worried about. However, since nothing improves over night...I'm still in discomfort and it triggers a lot of anxiety that then exhausts me.

so...yay -_-"

However, bills still need to be paid and I have push through as best as I can do.

Not trying to make excuses or fish for pity. I just wish to explain myself and ensure you I'm not loafing around or anything. Still working on content and fulfill my part of the deal (even if it might be a tad slower than usual ^^"

To the picture...ok, not sure if there's lots to say about ^^" Not necessarily a sexy pin (well, besides of the stockings and shorts). But I think cuts outfits like this have their appeal as well.

The mouse was more or less an afterthought. Originally I had Mino just smile into the camera. But after thinking about it I thought it would be cooler if she actually interacted with something within the motif. So therefore...mouse XD

Hope you like it and have a wonderful Sunday :)




refreshing : )

Philip Rauschert

I've never gotten over leg cramps. They come usually when I'm laying in bed waking up in the morning. They hurt and then I get over them. But once you get into a habit of a bit of exercise every day it really helps you out. So head, up, chin out, and move those legs of yours. Get some nice muscles all trimmed up and hear the wolf whistles of your hubby.