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Ok, I'll skip the 'explain the game' roughs since...there's not much to see on them. They were merely a way to boil down the rules of football to make this monster of an arc more accessible for readers (although we kinda ignored some of those rules ourselves :P)

Also, more side characters: the 'skippers' 

Even though they are sailor themed, we had their name in mind as 'skipping a check'. basically as in 'dine and dash'. Which is just hitting it home that they were the antagonists to the 'Diners'

Also, it might not be noticeable, but nearly all of the 'Skippers' are named after a criminal offense ('Mister Meaner', 'Homer Cide', 'Abe Use' etc)

Their coach also represents the modern day football coach, while the Diner's coach is old fashioned. You see, the suit and Fedora get up wasn't this uncommon...until the sportswear industry got a say in it and turned the coaches into walking billboards for their product. That's of course very simplified and we are blowing it out of the water by pilling all those sponsorship labels onto the guy. But...yeah, that's the base idea :))




Diners vs. Skippers. Clever.

Nick Klepac

Love the names of the team players and the beauty of the cheerleaders.