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sleep tight, little one. Actually, just the idea of sleeping on a pile of paper towels makes my back ache >.<"

This is a scene I had in my mind for a long, long time. Even before I wanted to do this comic. Although it was always too random(?) for a sketch comic. So until I started drafting this comic/chapter this whole scene was nothing but random pictures in my mind.

Anyway, the cat breed Selkirk Rex, the type of cat Walter is supposed to be, is known for being very affectionate and laid back. But also for being rather lazy. I wanted to incorporate these attributes into Walter's personality. So he tends to look for shortcuts in order to work as little as possible. But he also is prone to sleep a lot. One could interpret that as a coping mechanism. But I leave that up to the readers where they like to take things like this ;) 

Also, little bit of flashback, even though it's just a tiny little snipped that only makes semi sense atm. In the end of this chapter I hope you get more clarity on what this scene means. But even if you don't, a proper flashback is already written and just waiting for me to get into it in 2023. Then we'll dig deeper into their relationship and the reason Walter left...

On a different note, this is the last part that takes place in the carwash (for now). yay!

Believe me, I got so tired drawing them in this environment. on one side it's important. But it's also soooooo boring :/

Next update will be a two page shorty again. but we'll see jack's apartment ;)




Serra Britt

It's interesting to get some insight into Jack's personality through this, after seeing him in the "future" in You Gotta Be Kitten Me.


Dang, Wally sure cleans up real nice 🙂