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And the next set of WIPs. 

The two characters next to Roy were based on actual YouTube personalities. the girl was based off of the charming  PhilaDehlia, who tends to visit Eagle game is rather flamboyant yet cute outfits. Hence that we put her in a napkin crown and a cute frill dress (I wish she also could've wore a cape. but it wouldn't be visible on the seat :/).

The  other character is, unfortunately a more controversial figure. Huge eagles fanboy with an awful potty mouth. And I really mean that. His rants were so crass, yet his antics were also hilarious, which was the reason we wanted to caricature him as part of the football culture. 

Unfortunately that wasn't why he's deemed controversial. The controversy started with the guy texting and sending pics to minors and...yeah, you can probably guess what's going on here...:/

Unfortunately we didn't know about that incident by the time this arc was written and drawn...I mean, we were aware of him as a YouTuber but not hardcore followers. So his whole downfall flew totally over our heads. Yet I feel like addressing and distancing myself from the person. Because, by no means do I wish to glorify anyone preying on children. it's a big no-no.

I guess this is a good call to do better research when basing characters on existing people. On one side it's fun referring back to real life but on the other side...yeah, you can also step in a big pile of poo. and to this day I feel awkward about this strip that features him this prominently  *sigh*

Back to the WIPs. The point of these two characters was to show the different sides of Football fandom. One is the more wholesome side, which is more about cheering for your team and sharing that joy with other fans.

While the other side is just obsession that spirals in pure anger and rage over any shortcoming of the franchise you're simping for...I think it stands without doubt what I side I rather prefer ^^

On a more positive note, I really like the strip with little Michaela peeking over the shoulder of the girl watching her handheld TV (I think we dubbed her Dinner-Dehlia. but I'm not sure anymore ^^"), getting disgusted by the re-runs of 'Love Boat' XD

I dunno why we choose that show (didn't even watch it at that time), but it's kinda funny how much Micha was off put by it and then later embraces it ^^"

Also, little interaction with Kel and Hubbs, which we put in there to show that there is no bad blood between the two of them. I mean, by this point you probably already know that Kel is a chill dude (he'll play a bigger role in the final quarter, btw) but a lot of folks saw him like an antagonist and we just wanted to defuse that idea fairly early on. Not all the diners are have the same approach that Hubbs has when it comes to the game. But we didn't want to make them antagonizing. It's basically just a group of dude's doing their thing playing ball ^^

One last thing, I don't know if I ever addressed that. But we were asked if Kel was based on Colin Kaepernick. The question is justified since we did have a couple players based on actual people. But Kel isn't one of them....or at least he's not based on a football player. My husband partial based him on a former workmate of his who did not only spot the afro and the sunglasses...but also the layer back attitude. And that's pretty much it ^^

Hope you like it. Sketches are coming within the next couple days :)



T. I. Masterson

No worries. These characters are their own separate entity. They’re not the influencers who inspired their creation. To me, this was a fun moment in the comic and that’s what it always will be.

Philip Rauschert

I have to agree with T.I. As an author by hobby I'm quite familiar with picking real people to base characters on. In one of my fan fics I made the following observation to my fans, namely, Be careful what you do in public, you might be giving an author the object lesson he's looking for.


Thank you so much. I'm glad you see it that way and I agree. It's a bit of a grey area, tho. I mean, you don't want a flattering parody of a creep....but I don't think this scene necessarily flatters anyone ^^"


That's actually good advice. a lot of influencers have online personalities that are different from their actual lives. I think that's probably the safe way to be. Act like a clown, tell people you are acting, then go home and live your life. best case scenario people like you for your influencer character. Worst case, you become the villain in someone's fiction ^^