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The end :D....just kidding

OK, little content warning. The next part has mentions of self harm. If that makes you feel uncomfortable, please feel free to skip it (I'll bold up the letters once I'm done talking about this :))

OK. So this episode has a bit of self censoring in it. In the original dialogue/script, when Jack asks Walter where he's going, Walter says something like 'Dunno, maybe finally buying the farm' (which is a basically a way of saying he wants to end it all.) To which Jack responses that he thinks farming is not a good idea since it's a lot of work. Portraying that the two characters don't really understand each other. Which is kinda a theme that resurfaces in the comic over and over again.

However, after thinking about this line I felt like it's probably not a good idea to keep it in. In the best case scenario it will come off as a cheap tearjerker, in the worst case scenario it will look insensitive and maybe even as downplaying mental illness and self harm. especially since there will be hints on what went down with Walter (and that 'murder woman' he mentioned earlier)...but his mental state will probably never be really addressed again. So dropping such a bomb onto the readers and then just forget about it....yeah, that's just not good. I'm simply not the person who should be telling a story like this.

So instead, while trying to keep the sincerity of the scene intact, I watered down the dialogue a bit. Portraying a feeling of being lost and no place to go. ...and Jack simply not hearing him (bringing back the miscommunication part I mentioned earlier)

And that's pretty much it 

What else can there be said about these pages. 

The last page was a lot of fun. I was kinda aiming for an 'anime cliffhanger' style illustration. Not sure if I nailed it tho. but close enough :)

Also, I really like the rather mushy dialogue between the two. I guess it does read a bit soap opera-ish. But...if you know what I know about these characters and their whole past and yada yada...you'd probably agree with me...or not. I've gotten the audience wrong so many times so I dunno XD

Hope you like it :)



Serra Britt

Ahhhh, I remember watching you draw that last page on stream and now seeing it in context is making me cry!!! Which is a good thing by the way, it just means that your story is having a powerful emotional effect. Regarding your decision with the dialogue change, based on your reasoning I think you made the right decision. That kind of story is hard to tell without either having been through it one's self or having a content editor(the correct term is not coming to me right now) to make sure it's written in a respectful manner. There is, sadly, too many stories out there from people who think they are writing great stories about mental illness, LGBTQIA+, or Bipoc subjects, and they just -- aren't. Not because they are being malicious about it, but just because they have a certain idea of things that has been presented to them already.


I wish I was there to watch the live stream but I'm currently away...hoping to catch the stream next week!! I love seeing bits of what makes a character tick and seeing Wally like this makes me feel more for him🥺 I want to save him~


Actually I cried during the end of this chapter. just don't tell anyone (oops). I kinda hope that will have the same effect on the audience. But for now that needs to be seen (I'm just helicopter parenting atm. So my views are heavily distorted....) And I agree with you, about writing stories about serious subjects like this. I mean, we talked about that on stream briefly. One doesn't have to be part of the community to write about it, gate keeping is not the answer, imo. But at least some familiarity or involvement should be there. especially themes that are more than just 'a cute character quirk' or fodder for some tear jerkers. I mean, yes, these elements can create great characters and strong emotions in the audience (which is awesome), but also propel terrible stereotypes that could harm people in the long run. But I think we are on the same page about this issue already ^^


Thank you. yeah, our streaming schedule is a bit hard to catch, but I hope to see you eventually. Currently I'm only drawing 'kitten' live. But 'Katzen-jammer!' will resume in August. Also, I'm happy you are feeling for the character. I like Wally a lot. But I feel like people haven't seen enough of him to understand his character, yet. I'm looking forward showing people more of this guy in the future ^^