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'Reality hits you hard, bro'

First things first. Thanks to Serra Britt for helping with the shading on the first page. I really appreciate their help and it was, once again, a pleasure to work with them :)

Second, here is the 2 page shorty update I was talking about last time. Once again, this is not me trying to cheat you out of content. This was juts the most convenience are to separate this episode in order to make everything more manageable for me. 

I have some regrets about these two pages. the biggest one is...I feel like I doubled this scene (with the one from earlier), causing not only to slow down pacing but...also kinda tell the same scenario twice. I think the chapter would've read perfectly fine if I cut out those two pages all together :/

The point of this scene was basically a reality check on Walter. He's a bit self unaware (as you probably could tell by now ^^). And, well, here it finally hits home that his action had consequences on him as well. 

I think it's kinda an important scene but...I also feel I should've sat on it longer and maybe combined it better with the previous scenario. But by the time I noticed that mistake these pages where already drawn and....abandoning done work is  always a touch decision :/

Also, little remark on the side, as you can tell, 'Katzen-jammer!' is a different beast from 'in SECURITY' and 'Kitten'. And despite being labeled a comedy, there is a lot heavier stuff in this. However, there also will be more lighthearted and comedic interactions between the characters (and scenarios). So it's not entirely a sob fest...

Personally speaking I kinda like it when drama and comedy is being intertwined because it feels like you add character to tragic but also depth to humor. I hope you get what I mean.

It was not too well received when we attempted to do something like this in 'in SECURITY' (because people expected the strip to stay humorous) and with 'Kitten' it wasn't well thought through. 

So with 'Katzen-Jammer!' I basically wanted to write a comic with the sensibilities that are appealing to me. Not sure if that will necessarily fly with other's tho (Hubby already told me it reads to him like a soap opera and....man, that never stops hurting me in the meow meows XD). But by the end of the day I draw this more for me and just hope other's enjoy it as well ^^

That's all. Next episode will be longer again (I think 4 pages). So don't worry, I've got you covered :)  



T. I. Masterson

Your art, regardless of what medium—comics, sketches, illustrations, etc.—brings me a lot of joy. Even more so now that I have the technology that allows me to see them in higher resolution than I did before. It’s like getting to experience your works for the first time all over again. Thank you for bringing beauty, humor, and heart into a world that needs it right now.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I kinda want to archive that sort of feeling, especially with 'Katzen-Jammer!'. I mean, 'in SECURITY' was meant to emulate the joy of relationship and showing that having fun doesn't stop once you are married (or have children). Even though some of the arcs are meant to be a tad wilder and evidentially the Hubbs arc turned darker than we hoped. But it was always meant to show a funner side of life. 'Katzen-jammer!' is supposed to be in the same ballpark with a more fleshed out narrative (at least I'd like to think of it in that way). I could go on and on about my thoughts on it, but I try to keep it really short. I want that despite the characters being rather rough to each other, that every chapter (not episode but the overall chapter) ends on a more wholesome and uplifting note. basically, the two leads, despite their difference and all the head butting, should always gain some understanding of their opposite by the end of the story and hopefully leaving the reader with a nice feeling. Not sure if that'll come off as cheesy or weird. But...for now I see where this whole project will lead us and enjoy making it :)

Jeffry L Manion

I'm looking forward to getting into the world of Jack and Walter.