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whoops, forgot to post these earlier this week ^^"

Another load of WIPs, with our hero's reaching their seats. Did you notice that while they were in the audience they were constantly switching seats? well, except Roy. I think he stayed still. But the remaining characters where having a chair dance XD (that was not on purpose. we just kinda switched them up for convenience within the separate strips/jokes.

The box, the stadium, was inspired by the Seahawks stadium in Seattle. As far as I understood the architecture of that stadium works in a way that the noises of the audience echos onto the playfield, creating a vortex of noise. Basically sensor overload is guaranteed right there. We originally wanted to make a point about that, portraying that the stadium as well is feared by the Diners. But I think it kinda got lost in the long haul. 

However, Hubbs' fear of boxes themself is still intact ;)  



Nick Klepac

Funniest part was when Micha said, "They stole my identity!"


The Seattle Seahawks and the XFL's Seattle Dragons play at Lumen Field. It holds two Guinness World Records for loudest crowd roar at an outdoor stadium: 136.6 decibels in 2013, and 137.6 decibels in 2014.


Thanks, yeah, we had to drive that joke back home ;) (It's also such an adorable child reaction ^^)


Golly, I didn't know the last part 0_0 Guess those players weren't kidding with their claims on how brutal that stadium is. I remember the Eagles were blasting loud, obnoxious music during training, when they were preparing facing the Seahawks in 2016 0_0