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Little late night post (otherwise I forget it tomorrow :/)

First of all, good news! I'm having pink coloring pencil leads again, yay!

I found one of the usual brand and a few of an alternative brand. Not sure how well those work. but I already use blue ones of that brand and they are pretty neat. so I have high hopes for the pink ones too. 

I really missed sketching with pink. I think it fits my style better and coloring over it doesn't make the artwork look smudgy and dirty. So this is really exciting for me ^0^

So, a bit of s simple yet elegant sketch of Sedine. She kinda looks like she just competed in a beauty pageant....but no ripen, so I guess she didn't win :(( 

 I wanted to do something with lotsa flat black and colorful highlights. Originally I wanted to just stick to purple, no read areas or so. But....then I thought it looked kinda boring. so I ended up giving her some nice red gloves ^^

The glitter behind her is a tone sample I received awhile ago. I was planning on using it for awhile. But since it's just a sample, I had to look for a motif with a small area for it. Well...here it is :)

Hope you like it ^^




Nick Klepac

Ribbon or not, she won in my book. Absolutely gorgeous.

Philip Rauschert

Opera Gloves, they always add class.

Serra Britt

For some reason, this makes her look taller than normal. Threw me off a bit but it's still the same, silly Sedine we all know and love ♥

Julius J. Marold

Very well done Bea but those eye lashes - whew!


I have to agree that she does look a bit more statuesque in that pose! Maybe it's the dress?


I admit, when I was done I thought too that she looked a bit more mature, maybe like her mom (or grandmother) in younger years ^^" I guess it's the width of her shoulders and maybe the size of her head. ^^"


Thank you so much and, yeah, I'm amazed she hasn't poked Sam's eyes out with those lashes yet XD