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Anyone play GTA? I think the song 'Eisbär' is actually played on one of the radio stations...just as a little fun fact. It's kinda a goofy song. Although the text itself is...less goofy. I mean, think about how broken someone has to be to wish to be like one of the most solitaire animals on the planet...

Anyway, first chapter pt1 (out of...13, I think. I'm still drawing on the last entries. So I'm not sure how long this will be ^^)

Don't expect all episodes to be this long. I usually want to stick to like 2-3 pages per update. However....there was no way I could chop this episode anywhere. No way to shorten it either. So...I just had to swallow it and deliver a long update and...hope people don't get angry at me for shorter ones after this one ^^

Parts of the rendering was done by Feldiarts (https://www.feldiarts.com) So thanks to her for the help.

Overall I'm very happy how this episode turned out. Jackie is so fun to draw and I really, really love him more than I should, I guess ^^" But it was a great pleasure having him in nearly every panel, hehe. Hope you like the update :)

Next week the comic starts launching on Webtoon for everyone and...I'm a tad nervous. Wish me good luck :)



travis duryea

I think I may relate way too much to this scene.

Nick Klepac

Very interesting.

Alistair Star

He definitely needs Walter now that muti (if I'm spelling that correctly) has passed.


Aw jack :( good luck on the webtoon release!! The comic is great :D

Serra Britt

He looks so unhappy, yet seems to think he deserves it...

T. I. Masterson

Nice cameo! I'm interested to see where this comic goes!


I’m definitely ready for the new comic.

Philip Rauschert

I like the fact that we're starting when our two protagonists first join up.


Well, it's spelled with double 'T' ('Mutti', cute version of 'Mutter') But I don't think she'd mind ^^ And thank you for the kind words ^^


Thank you. I'm actually happy you read that into him/the scene. It's exactly what I was aiming for (although the actual revelation of what went down won't be on screen for a loooooong time ^^)


Thanks. I thought that would be the best spot since hardly anything is really known about them so far. I was considering starting in their childhood (basically when the whole comet thing went down). But that probably would've been too boring. And having flashback after flashback is not too suitable either. So starting at the reunion might just be the sweet spot...I hope ^^"