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Hey everybody,

I just wanted to thank those who dropped by the stream last night and I’m so sorry you had to listen to our echo-ish voices ^^”

The issue is with my mic since it’s picking up the whole room and therefore catches my husband talking as well.

We were purchasing and returning a fair amount of mics for me since none seem to do the trick. We’ll look into a headset next and see if that’ll do the trick.

Either way, it was great fun. There is a bit work to do, mostly on my end. I think my speech is a bit lazy and I don’t pronounce things as clear as I should. I also tend to ramble and lose the thread way too quick. So I’ll have to practice that a bit more.

We plan on having another test stream next Saturday or Sunday at 5 PTS. So it’s a tad earlier than last time.

If you are interested, here is the link to our channel. Feel free to check by if you like. Meanwhile, have little Jackie with his totally not like cheeks looking glasses ;)


(I really can’t unsee this, thanks Serra ^^”)



Nick Klepac

I think you forgot the link in your comments.


Haha I still think the echos added to the ambience