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More artwork! (And some announcement :P)

OK, in the past couple weeks I have been talking about some upcoming projects for this year.

One is still super, duper secret and I’m not allowed to talk about it at all. But…I can tell you about the other two :3

First, I’m currently working on a spin off to ‘Kitten’ about my two beautiful cat sons and their whole issue. Over on Instagram I already posted a couple teaser panels and the title, which is:


(the logo still needs some polishing here and there. But I'm mostly there :P)

As I said, it’s a spin off that will run side by side with ‘Kitten’. Both comics will be independent. So You don't need to read both or any if you don't want to...but I'd appreciate if you would ;))

I currently plan on releasing it on my birthday in mid June because….well, it’s a project I wanted to draw more for myself. So it’s a birthday present to myself. Hah!

But I will release the first two episodes two weeks earlier here on Patreon as an early access gimmick. So stay tuned :)

Second…we made a live stream account on twitch!

Wohoo! OK, it’s not quite there yet. We are still having some issues with the audio (mostly where I put my dang microphone! >.<“) and the alerts are not quite working the way we wish. But we are up for some test streams, and…yeah, trying to feel the field.

It’s a project I was thinking about for quite awhile but never pursued too hard because…I’m shy >.<“

But once hubby warmed up to the idea we looked more into it and, well, here we are.

The stream will be art oriented (mostly 'Kitten' at this point since that's the only thing I draw digital). But no video games or IRL stuff. More like, watch me draw and interact with us, ask questions, tell me about your pets etc.

As I said, we still have a couple issues to fix, but we are currently doing some test streams to get comfy with our set up and the site and everything all together.

If You like to join us, this is our account:


We plan on being online for a test tonight, Sunday March 6, 6:30 PST

That being said, The artwork above was made for the stream. Thankfully since we drew so much in the past couple years I was able to build a lot out of old work. But here and there we had to make new stuff.

The two drawings of Jack will be used for two break screens. Little Mister (in an adorable Kindergarten uniform because he's my baby X3) will be used as promotional mascot for a banner once we go live for the public.

And Mino with the yarn...is a bonus for y'all ^^" I plan on commissioning new keychains sometimes this year. Not sure when exact. And this old sketch was just too suitable for it. So I asked Hubby to ink it. I felt like you might enjoy being it right now along these other three illustrations. And that's pretty much all.

I hope you like the artwork and hopefully looking forward for 'Katzenjammer!' and the stream (and the secret project later this year ;)

Have a nice Sunday and best wishes




It's a small difference but have you decided on whether it will be "Katzenjammer!" or "Katzen-Jammer"?


Neat ! Now the butler cat guy (sorry I don't remember his name) can clean at my screen !


I'm not sure about that as of yet. I kinda like either version, but I think I have to settle for one way of spelling it in order to avoid confusion :/


Yep, that's the point ^^ (I wish it was animated, that would be neat XD. Also, his name's Jack :)