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No, dear....you are....not...

I'm super sorry for the late pin up. If you follow 'in SECURITY' on Webtoon you probably already saw my post there (don't worry, GoComics. I'll post there too asap). We ran into a couple issues in the past week that kinda derailed our schedule. Luckily 'Kitten' wasn't affected (backlog, yay!) but 'in SECURITY' and Patreon was. So I had to double hustle to get you at least this illustration out before the month ends.

This time I was aiming for a little less sexy and a bit more humorous. I wanted to draw Sedine in a cute golf outfit for quite awhile. But never could come up with a good motif. 

This one is...not necessarily dynamic. But I thought it's cute and funny so...there ya go. besides, I think she really rocks that wool sweater :3

Hope you like it and see ya next week



Serra Britt

She looks great in that outfit! Though I think that long ascot would get tied up in the club XD

Philip Rauschert

Yes, I tried golf. Scenes like that happen in real life. At least to me.


Thank you. yeah, I don't think that ascot is a good accessories for this type of sport....but...she does it for the cutes XD


Oh no XD But I'm sure I'd be the same. It's weird seeing how many golfers tend to hit the ball at all. It's so tiny :/